I can remember before my kids, walking into some well known ‘bath stores’ to buy those bottles of hand soap that were brilliantly designed and smelled amazing! They always seemed to color coordinate with the season or holiday. Do you suppose that is WHY I had half used containers under my counter a year later?!
I know for the most part, I paid over $5 a bottle but probably more like $8-ish for one hand soap container … I think I had lost my mind!
Wait, maybe it was the piped in music and smells of the store that lulled me into opening my wallet and buying a soap container every season.
Fast forward a few years later … When shopping the big box stores, having two kids in tow, I’d throw in a hand soap container into my cart every time I went.
At that time, I was a little (really a LOT!) OCD about kids and germs. I can’t tell you how many times my kids would put their mouth on the cart handles while shopping … did I mention yuck, yet?
Below is the picture of a very familiar scene in the hand soap isle … a bottle for $1.00 … seems cheap, right?!
Why did we decide to stop buying boxed (or bottled in this case!) hand soap?
Have you read the ingredients?
The obvious bad stuff is the fragrance and food coloring … really?!
Why in the world does hand soap need food coloring? Notice in the picture above that lots of the soaps colors match the pump top or the label … so the food coloring is added to the soap NOT because it needs it, but because it helps you visually want to buy it! It’s a marketing gimmick … No way! Have you ever read how BAD Red-40 is for the body, do a little internet research!
Yes! Then we come to the fragrance. Fragrance is really just a word that means chemicals. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to wash my hands with chemicals. I want to try and wash off the yucky stuff!
After doing some internet research myself about hand soap sold in stores, I decided to make my own. How hard could it be?!
I mean with all the new “rules” where companies can’t claim something is this-or-that, I sure wish something out there had been used for decades or centuries to protect kids and family from getting the “yuckies” …. Hmmm, maybe I found something!
What do you need to make your own Homemade Foaming Hand Soap?
This is the BEST part!
Since I already had my Essential Oils, I only needed to buy two or maybe three times … (1) Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap, (2) liquid Vitamin E Oil (this is optional, but my skin LOVES it added!) and (3) empty foaming soap containers (if you don’t have a bottle at home. It must be a “foaming” soap container).
OK, wait … I need to be transparent. I originally started with an empty foaming soap container from the picture above. I actually bought it brand new and dumped the contents down the sink and washed it out really good. Spending $1 was cheap for the container. It’s cheaper than buying one bottle off Amazon when you are getting started, right?!
Today, I have LOTS of both size empty containers in the picture because I gift them to my oily team, neighbors, friends and teachers. I don’t want them using yucky stuff!
I originally found the Dr. Bronner’s and liquid Vitamin E Oil at a smaller grocery store near me. You could purchase it on Amazon. I eventually purchased the gallon bottle in my picture from AzureStandard.com for about $40-ish. A GREAT add to my holistic cabinet!
Before we get to the recipe, I need to share with you an AMAZING power house in my Essential Oils Toolbox … Thieves Essential Oil!
Remember when I mentioned, “… something out there that had been used for decades or centuries to protect kids and family from getting the yuckies…”, well Thieves Essential Oil is this POWERHOUSE. Don’t take my word for it … it has historical backing! The formula for Thieves Essential Oil was adapted from a biblical story about a group of 15-th century Thieves (who were spice traders and perfumers) who rubbed themselves down with a “recipe” which prevented them from getting the plague while robbing the dead and dying. It’s kind of creepy to write it out, but it’s history (aka HIS-story!), so it makes me feel better! The best part … Young Living adapted the formula for Thieves Essential Oil to aid our immune system to keep us healthy … so our house is NEVER without this essential oil. We make hand soap with it, we diffuse it literally round the clock, we use toothpaste that has it … and … and … and …
Homemade Foaming Hand Soap Recipe (for 8-oz container)
- 1/4 cup liquid castile soap (I only use baby mild!)
- 3 drops liquid Vitamin E oil
- 6 drops Thieves Essential Oil
- 3 drops Orange Essential Oil
- 3 drops Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
- 6 oz water
- I add the ingredients in the following order … castile soap, vitamin E oil, essential oils and then water. Shake up well. It’s ready to use.
- Below are the step-by-step photos for you to see how I did it! It seems really easy, so I won’t caption every photo!
- Done! It probably took less than one minute to make it!
We are an active family, so we also have a Travel Size Foaming Hand Soap!
This size fits perfect: in the car, in a diaper bag or in my purse. We always have one with us!
Homemade Foaming Hand Soap Recipe (for 2-oz-ish Travel container)
- 1 tsp liquid castile soap (I only use baby mild)
- 1 drop liquid Vitamin E oil
- 2 drops Thieves Essential Oil
- 1 drop Orange Essential Oil
- 1 drop Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
- 1-1/2 oz water or enough water to fill, but not overfill your mini container
- I add the ingredients in the following order … castile soap, vitamin E oil, essential oils and then water. Shake up well. It’s ready to use.
- Below are the step-by-step photos for you to see how I did it! I will caption a few …
- Above, is the O-Ring that your mini foaming soap container comes with. Don’t lose it! You need it, especially if you don’t want the container to leak! ?
- That’s it! Now you have Foaming Hand Soap that supports your immune system and keeps the yuckies away (aka dirt, mud, bug-parts)!
Can I change which essential oils I use?
Yes, please do!
I always use Thieves and then I add something else, so it smells great and has health benefits.
So try the following … Thieves + Lavender (for kids, babies and guest bathrooms!) … Thieves + Ylang Ylang (for the Women in our lives!) … Thieves + Pine (for the Men in our lives!) … Thieves + Stress Away (for Teachers is GREAT!)
The options are endless and you can change every month or every season!
Can I refill my soap container, when there is still a half-inch or one inch of soap in the bottom?
Yes! I do it all the time.
I’m not wasting the soap I already made. I estimate and just free-pour the liquid castile soap in. I then add additional liquid Vitamin E oil, additional essential oils and fill with water!
What are your favorite essential oils to use in your homemade foaming hand soap?