Going from Boxed to Basics, isn’t really that hard! Just LOTS of little changes … helped us go from a “bagged” blueberry muffin recipe to Homemade!
When I was a little girl, my family used to take a yearly car-trip to where my parents were from and that meant, 2 days in the car! I’m not talking about a few hours; I’m talking about two days, 16 hours of driving each day! My mom used to make the muffins on the left. I knew I could make something Basic and yummy … my Morning Muffins are on the right!
So many GREAT stories and games were played in our pumpkin colored station wagon. We still laugh today about my mom crawling from the front seat (of our station wagon) to the back seat. I crawled to the front seat, since it was my job to hand my Dad food, drinks and of course to be the substitute navigator … since Mom was getting breakfast together. Paper plates, Tupperware Salt & Pepper shakes and those cup holders that fit between the glass and rubber seal on the door … remember those? I was one little girl with GREAT map reading skills, or so my Dad made me think!
For us driving along, smelling coffee and my parents talking … those were memories that even today are crystal clear. Breakfast was another one of those!
During those long road trips, Breakfast was simple. My mom would make hard-boiled eggs (HBEs) before our trip, strawberry and blueberry muffins, fruit (usually grapes!) and pre-made bacon! My brother and I had juice in recycled glass bottles and Mom and Dad had coffee, from one of those Big Green insulated containers.
Didn’t every family have one or two of those HUGE green insulated containers? We even have one, we use today.
I remember the first time my husband and I went camping with our kids and I wanted to pre-make Morning Muffins. I looked at the ingredients on the back of the brand my mom made (pictured above) … and I couldn’t do it! I knew I could make a recipe we loved!
I usually make a batch of these every Sunday. I use fruit that might not be our first choice before it goes bad; or apples that aren’t ‘crisp’ when we bite them! I try and use up the fruit on the counter first, before getting fruit from our freezer!
The ingredients are Basic and it’s the perfect baby step to un-Box your pantry!

Gluten-Free Morning Muffins, Basic & Delicious!
- 2 cups gluten-free flour or whole wheat flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp Real Salt
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter (softened)
- 3/4 cup applesauce (unsweetened)
- 1/2 cup organic evaporated can sugar or 3/4 cup sucanat
- 2 pastured eggs
- 1 TBSP homemade vanilla extract
- 1/2 to 1 tsp of spices (optional: pumpkin pie spice, apple pie spice, cinnamon)
- 1-1/2 cups of Flavor Options Blueberry, Banana, Peach & Peach Jam, Strawberry, Apple (shreddedFresh or Frozen Fruit)
- In a small bowl combine: flour, baking powder and salt.
- In a medium bowl with a hand mixer, beat the butter for about 1 minute, until light and fluffy. (Note: You can combine Step 2 and Step 3 to save time, and mix together at one time.)
- Add in: the applesauce, sugar, eggs and vanilla. Then mix until combined.
- Add the flour mixture to the wet mixture bowl. Mix until combined.
- With a wooden spoon or spatula, fold in the flavor option you picked.
- Using an ice cream scoop, place batter into unbleached chlorine-free parchment baking cups.
- Bake at 375º for 15-20 minutes (for regular size muffins) or 12-15 minutes (for mini size muffins), or until a toothpick comes out clean.
- Makes: 15 regular size muffins or 12 regular size muffins PLUS 10 mini-muffins!
- Enjoy! Keep the extras in an airtight container or freeze them for quick on-the-go sweet treats for school lunches!