Preparedness Advent Calendar … Day 1

Preparedness Advent Calendar … Day 1
Lots of you are reaching out asking “how” I got started … I just
jumped and started! I didn’t get Buckets first, sooooo I figured I’d
help you!
Since we’ll be doing this EACH day till Christmas, let’s START …
Go order/buy/get (1) ONE 5-Gallon Bucket and (2) ONE Gamma lid …
YES, I know it’s 2 items but I consider it a #BabyStep and a “set”!
Don’t worry, I have you covered, just CLICK and order from Amazon …
this link has 6 (SIX!) of each, so for the next 6-months I’ve set you up!
Share below what you are doing today to Prepare for both Good times and
Bad?! If you are WAY past buying buckets, share what you would buy!
We want to learn from you!

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